Ive just got bk from Amsterdam to go visit my boi Marc, and wow i had a sick time..!!!
I love it here, and everytime im here, i feel more at home,
even the locals are gettin to know me..!I went over for the #APPLESAP HIP HOP FESTIVAL and it didnt disappoint!!!
I took loadsa pics that im gonna post later, but for now, here just a few pics i took while i was in the mega mix! from the mission of gettin marcs dj mixer over in my holdall to chillin with a
pic-nic on the park with my peeps, shopping on the 9streets,chillin in the sun by the canals watching to world go by... and if ur wondering why i took the pic of the pigeon, it just made me laugh sat chillin on that block of wood watching me for about 40 mins.. Ha!